Strongest dog breed?


Original poster
Resident Schism
Jul 9, 2024
Soul Shards
What breed of dogs do you think are the strongest?

My dogs are super strong, but I don't think their breed(Presa Canario) are the strongest.
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Eden is pretty strong when he is off-duty - then he pulls like a Trojan! I am very big and strong and I have difficulty in holding him when he is on the 'squirrel hunt'
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I have no idea. I would, however, NOT want to care for a dog that is so big and strong it's uncontrollable, or eats 50 pounds of food a day or something. We have enough to deal with as is, having 3 carts and a medium size pooch. lol
Fortunately Eden is well enough trained so that he knows to behave when he's 'On Duty'. However, when off he sure has a lot of zip and energy, especially when he is looking for the mythical 'night squirrel' which he is convinced is out there beyond our front door last thing at night.