Would you keep a wild cat?

Ja sa bong

Original poster
Resident Schism
Sep 7, 2024
Soul Shards
There are some wild cats which are very beautiful. If it's possible to tame such cats, I wouldn't mind keeping them. I've seen a lot of then being domesticated in Arab countries.

Would you ever keep a wild cat?
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No I wouldn't. I'm not big on cats. I would probably keep a wild dog, if I didn't already have two dogs of mine own. I love dogs, and my dogs wouldn't get along with any other animals in the house. My oldest has killed a cat before, so that wouldn't be good.
  • Kittie!!
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No I wouldn't. I'm not big on cats. I would probably keep a wild dog, if I didn't already have two dogs of mine own. I love dogs, and my dogs wouldn't get along with any other animals in the house. My oldest has killed a cat before, so that wouldn't be good.
But what would you do with a "wild" dog? You'd not be afraid of it attacking you or your family?
A 'wild dog', like a wolf? I have heard of them forming friendships with humans. But I would not want to keep one, not in captivity, that would be cruel.
  • Kittie!!
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