I've always preferred night time. People say I'm a vampire. heheI still like walking but not at 2 or 3 am! Then I am safely tucked up in bed.
Fortunately I can walk with my Gudie Dog Eden in the local areas, or maybe further afield when we take the bus or train
NO comment...I've always preferred night time. People say I'm a vampire. hehe
So you like can't drive? He helps you walk to places, etc?He is. Right now he's curled up on his bed waiting for the washing to finish, me to hang it up outside then he can take me out for 'walkies'. We have to go shopping & also to the library
Aww hehe There is no public transport here. Too poor!! lolYeah I gave up my licence about 10 years ago when my eyesight fell below the minimum required safety standard. These days eithe rpeople give us a lift, or we usually go by public transport - fortunately the buses around here are pretty good, althuogh we have been on the high speed long distance trains a couple of times recently. Eden actually really loves those as they have a 'doggie spot' for Assistance Dogs in one of the carriages in 1st class.
Awesome!! Very glad for you man!It's pretty good here, and being disabled I get free bus journeys other than at rush hour, and subsidised train fares. And Eden goes completely free!
Our dog refuses to go on a leash and go outside! She uses puppy pads inside the house and always goes in that one spot, so it works.Yeah, Eden loves travelling with anything that runs on wheels - beats walking any day of the week!