met g/f on-line


Original poster
Schism Admin
Resident Schism
May 29, 2024
Soul Shards
I've been talking to people over computers since at least 1990. I met my g/f on-line in 2006. This year is 18 years for us!

shocked holy shit GIF
I have talked to several young and maybe not-so-young women on line over the years, in chat-rooms where people can discuss and be more forthright with their fantasies/secret ideas like this one but a lot of disability ones as well.
Several of these young women have, yes, indictated that they would like to take our on-line relationship further and maybe actually meet up in person. Which is always the moment when I deliberately push them away and end the relationship before it gets a chance.
Two main reasons :

(1). Got scammed badly by someone I met online recently

(2). Can not be a financial burden to anyone I meet. The moment I gain a 'common-law' partner the State will stop paying for my care. My drug regime alone costs £21,000 (that's around $25,000) a year. Plus all my care and attendance needs. In this country if you have no close relatives or 'partners' then the state will step in and provide for you, but if there is anyone around over 16 years of age they are expected to pay/contribute unless they too are extremely disabled. That is why my daughter stopped being my official carer back in 2013 and I made my old dog Oscar my carer instead, as a result I received a lot more state support grants and monies - went up by £60 (that's $70) a week automatically and also all my drugs and medications were then paid for.
  • *is sad
Reactions: zoldos
I'm sorry man, I surely am. I've never been scammed on-line, but I've had 2 different girls, at different times, "fall in love" with me, but then played games. One was underage, so clearly that was no go. The other was just a big mess. :(