How much do you spend on gaming yearly?


Original poster
Resident Schism
Sep 6, 2024
Soul Shards
Do you think you are spending a lot of money on your gaming activities on yearly basis or you are working with an average budget that makes it possible for you not to overspend on gaming?

I have a fixed budget of $800 to spend on games every year. I haven't decided to spend above it yet.

Are you spending too much or less on gaming?
Probably not enough and far too m uch. There are not enough hours in the day to play allt he games I own through Steam alone!
I usually buy a couple games each year if I buy any at all. I replay alot of my old games.
I have a number of games I watch on Steam, either new ones or older ones that I am waiting for a 'price off special offer'.
There are new ones that look good, but when they first come out they tend ot have a lot of bugs or problems.
With a few new ones you can download a free demo and try it out for a few days, see if it is for you