Do you like swimming pool or beach?

Ja sa bong

Original poster
Resident Schism
Sep 7, 2024
Soul Shards
Swimming pool and beach are places where you go to experience water. If I'm to choose between them, I'll go with swimming pool because I can swim it unlike the beach water.

Do you like swimming pool or beach?
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They both have pros and cons.

Pros: Swimming pools can be cool. 😎

Cons: I can't get over the thought of poop being in the pool. :eek:

Pros: beachs are beautiful!
Cons: one word "sharks" 😱
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I prefer swimming in a pool, but I do like swimming in the ocean sometimes. The beach is just about an hour or two away from me though.

There’s a pool in my apartment complex, so it’s Easier for me to go swimming in the pool whenever.
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The beach for the vista view, the fragrance of the sand and sea, ocean breezes and all of the sounds of the waves as they splash the beach. I won't swim in the ocean though. Private Pools are nice when you know they are clean as @Krissycakes09 mentioned above.
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I like the beach. It's intense. You are standing literally at the edge of the world! What really boggles my mind is that if you look far enough down the beach, you can actually see the curvature of the planet! Craziness!
I prefer not to swim in lakes/ponds. Too many little creatures. Course the same can be said for beaches. hehe
In the past my old dogs haven't minded where they have swum. The muddier the better as far as they were concerned
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Yeah, they all seemed to turn out to be physically allergic to clean water...
hehehe We have yet to let Pooch outside. She's not fixed yet, and there are several males that hang around. She has however, "escaped" several times and seemed to enjoy the free outside time, and came right back in when we called her. :D